janae7613 Member


  • Good luck. I find MFP helps me.
  • I have 150 lbs to lose. Im 40 years old, mom of 3 teens. I am breaking my weightless goal down into smaller goals. So my first goal is to lose 50 lbs. I've lost 20 of that 50 so far since the middle of May. I am watching my carbs and now that I'm on MFP, I'm watching my calories too. I can't exercise much yet but I'm…
  • When I went to the bariatric center and I needed to lose weight before surgery they told me to aim for 45 of carbs a day. In the first month I lost about 5 lbs a week and then it slowed down. I opted out of the surgery. Now when I want to lose I eat my alloted calories from MFP and keep it under 45g of carbs.
  • I watch my carbs and calories. I eat low carb based on advice from my bariatric center. In 16 days I have lost 18 lbs! Unfortunately it's fast.
  • I like to have a protein shake 30g or clear protein drink 20g to help keep me satisfied. If that doesn't work I snack on olives or pickles ( just cuz I like them and they are low calorie)