darylthomas1985 Member


  • Anyone with me ?
  • And don't eat wen drunk . It's not the food that's the problem
  • I'm not going out. I'm at home. I just like a Bottle of wine and a few beers with a Saturday night film etc while kids are in bed .Go all week not drinking. Used to drink every night until 2 weeks ago , don't think I can go cold turkey
  • Good advise . I like it. When I do that I'm actually in line with my goals
  • I truly think on a weekend I'd rather drink. But weekdays eat and workout . It's a hard life lol . Just don't want to work hard all week then undo all good work at weekend but at same time want to enjoy my life at weekends.
  • But I am. Diet is fine. But once it touch the alcohol , that's it . Didn't realise just how many calories are in alcohol till I got this app