Oh no I feel your pain ..... how about treating yourself to a foot spa..... they are amazing despite the 90s stigma lol
Maybe a face mask or half hour hidden away with a book something you don’t get to do all the time .... I’m doing some snooping into meditation st the moment but I’m not sure I can be quiet for that long
Yesssss !!!!!! I won’t buy anything with any hint of a sparkle I don’t think I can carry off the unicorn look too well ..... just the thought of glitter brings me out in hives ..... the herpes explanation has me in tears of laughter
They are Little balls of fizzing heaven
So lovely to hear all of your ideas..... I’ve been growing my nails for 6 months and must confess I have probably spent s small fortune on nail varnishes now but I do agree it’s another treat idea that works well and gives me some me time .... I’m desperate to try the sauna idea but dread the whole swimming costume in…