maggiecsan Member


  • Thank you all for your responses. I knew going into this that it would not be easy. Thank god for the Google and Pinterest, too because I've found a lot of yummy stuff to replace the bad-for-you foods that I always turned to. I will try to turn off my "I can't wait to be thinner" thinking and just treat my body well and be…
  • I battle with anxiety and depression as well. Getting MFP was the first step I took. Three weeks later I am already down 6 lbs. my fiancé loves sweets so I understand your frustration with that. I've found if I log everything I eat and have my calories in for the day it keeps me motivated to stay away from the sweets he's…
  • I sent you a request. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I tried therapy, EMDR (, lifestyle challenges and medication to get the weight off in the past and always reverted back to my old eating habits.. I couldn't stick with any of it. Hopefully support MFP can help by having a little support…