MrsEewishi Member


  • @Noel_57 No worries! Yes, there are so many videos on YouTube from people who've tried the RawTill4 challenge and say (with photo evidence) that they gained weight, that they felt bloated and nauseous and that it was really expensive to do. There was even one person who posted 'How to lose weight and recover from the…
  • No pain or discomfort, just loose pooping. Meant to get me into the habit of eating more fruit and veg. Re Freelee the banana girl, like I said right at the start, I don't think her diet is a good idea because it takes it to an extreme so no, I'm not doing the RawTill4 challenge because it's kerazy :)
  • I take B12 and vitamin D xx
  • I'm not used to these things (online forumspeak) but I guess OP is me, right? :) I am wowed by all this response and thoughtful reply. Thank you! I think there are a lot of good points here to take on board. 1. Amount of fibre = it was (according to MFP) only 25 yesterday but that's still a lot more than my body is used to…
  • 48. Not got around to adding a photo yet :) Please count me in!