Ladycatfield Member


  • Hello again, finally found this thread again. Feeling much better after seeing the surgeon and just paying for it all. That is my savings gone so I better get my head on and in the right mood for the liver reduction diet which I will start next Tuesday. Will meassage. Thanks.
  • Hello! I am having a pre-op appointment on Sunday with healthier weight to have my consultation before getting my band fit. I am super scared, but reading through your posts has really encouraged me.
  • Hi, I'm a midwife in the UK, happy to have a friend in all this.
  • I have come back for a bit of a shake up and I have to say everyone else's motivation is my motivation. I keep thinking 'that's how I feel' and 'me too'. I've been trying to maintain after stopping the super restrictive Cambridge diet but honestly I want to still be losing. So I'm back for the accountability. Hope a few…
  • Hi! I'm 200, down from 240, aiming for 165, so 35lbs to go. Feel free to add me. I'd love the support and to help encourage others
  • I'd appreciate it! I have changed my calories but don't know much about changing macros appropriately. Yes, please keep the thread and maybe we could do a challenge every once in a while
  • Thanks for the support, I'm on step 4 of Cambridge diet, but I've been using my calories to eat dark chocolate instead of nutrient dense foods, so I am my own saboteur. Sigh
  • I'm miserable. I just want to jack the whole thing in. I don't want to be fat but I don't want to diet either.
  • Thanks for that. It's been so hard, busy, and hungry! I've been more active as a part of cracking down on this 20 year old weight gain, which probably explains the extra hunger. Well done for getting back on track! it's taken me three days of yummy sugary foods, but I've had two days of sugar free. Phew.
  • Totally fail today: stressed day at work after time with stress, period starting, and generally feeling miserable. Had a gluten free and dairy free treat (coeliac and dairy intolerant, yay me) but have stayed just about under my calories for the day. How do you keep so strong? I'm so tired of dieting. I've not binged the…
  • @wellnesschaser I have a great whole nut peanut butter that hasn't any sugar, if you can find one like that it might help?
  • Can I play too? I need to cut anything that gives me a sweet tooth: dried fruit, fresh fruit, even some veggies like sweet peppers. So glad to see other people in the same place as me. Today has been day 1 :)
  • Hi! I've done all the steps during the last 10 months. I'm on step 4 right now due to health issues. How are you getting on? I would like to get back to soul source at some point, but it might be in September when the world resumes a normal schedule after a summer of home time and holidays.
  • I would love to get on board with this - I need to get my sugar cravings under control! Thanks.
  • @barbiegaia 40lbs in 40 days! Wow, best of luck, how are you planning that cus I would love to lose 40 more lbs. 35yrs old in England, 38lbs down since August and 40lbs more to get to target. I'd love some friends to help keep me accountable.