I used to hate going, just cause I always felt judged by everyone! I had a couple of pt sessions to get my form in check, and once you know you're solid on that, it's weird how much less intimidated I felt! Also, most people there are so focused on their own workouts (or at least should be...) that although it may feel…
Try going for a 3×5 powerlifting routine with a load of traditional bodybuilding isolation stuff after, that's what I do, seems to be increasing muscle mass whilst decreasing bf% :) it seems to do each thing at a much slower rate, but I guess that's cause I'm doing them simultaneously... (I do no extra cardio) (I'm also…
I like to do some isolation stuff at the end of every workout (along with endless calf raises cause they just won't grow :( ) but if you're doing compound lifts they're worked to a decent degree anyway, just the isolation stuff really helps on top! Obliques wise, try doing oblique targeted exercises with no weight, just go…
It's a no from me...if your goal is maintaining weight then fair enough eat away, but if you "save the calories up for weekends" just think of how much damage you're gonna do to your diet! :( the whole idea of weight loss is to be in a calorie deficit...which is what makes you lose the fat! It's of course possible to still…
Hi man! I've not had any experience with the book but have been lifting for quite a while, in my opinion (and most others I believe) you should really try and just bolt on the ab exercises to the end of your routine! And besides, adding more onto the routine means more burned calories! Just go for the lower impact…