Kalnor Member


  • I'm using intermittent fasting for the past 5 weeks and just added keto to my diet. The fasting is a great help, I eat between 1pm and 8pm and it's easy as it's really only missing breakfast. But the increase in energy is great. There's a few routes you can take with 16/8 being the most popular. (16 hours of not eating, 8…
  • I'm following intermittent fasting and keto, if it helps feel free to follow me. Hoping to lose a few kilos and then focus on strength build up. I'm fairly new though..
  • I've got (CMT) Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, my ability is limited mostly in my walking ability and strength. I use a wheelchair here and there but at 46 I'm trying to make changes in my diet and lifestyle by introducing the keto diet and some strength training. Trying to get my weight down to to mid 80's (kg). Presently…
  • Started my keto today. Would be great to have a fellow newbie to throw some ideas around and share experiences.
  • Looking to change my eating habits by changing to a keto eating plan. I was 106kg and got down to 98kg but this is my first day of keto. I'd love some support/advice from fellow keto friends as we go through this journey. First goal, how to dodge the keto flu! :)