melllief Member


  • Learning a lot this week, the consequence of poor choices is so enlightening and really helping me make way more healthy choices. So the weight hasn't been going down much either. But, I'm focused on working out so still trekking steroids forward. We have to just keep taking steps forward!
  • I'm lucky it's my husband and I an he's on board with whatever I do. He's such a good sport lol
  • One of mine is pulled pork carnitas in a lettuce shell. I add spring mix, black beans, corn off cob sprinkled on it and an incredible avocado and cilantro sauce.
  • Just curious about the dinner meals you guys make. Most of our diet is clean earring, but dinner is a meal I struggle with variety. What are your go yo favorite meals for dinner?
  • I'm just starting it send would love to be a part of women supporting each other. I know I could use it.