cj2109 Member


  • Maybe I should check that. I thought my ideal was 165lb but maybe my source was wrong.
  • If it helps. My daily goal is set at 1730 but here are my last 10 weeks daily average: 1750, 1813, 1346, 1407, 1684, 1727, 1456, 1584, 1554,1450.
  • Thanks, some of that was helpful. I'll watch the sodium. I have about 5 glasses of water a day (could do better at that). If I'm averaging 1500, dropping 150-200 more takes me to 1300. I had a week it so where it said I hasn't eaten enough at the end if the day and had to eat something to get to my minimum. I'm male,…
  • The only thing I don't track is water and peppermint tea (no sweetener or milk).
  • Thanks all. I'm set to sedentary cause I wanted to be safe. As I'm between sedentary and lightly active depending on the day. I averaged it for the last month and I was at 1500 but it recommends 200 higher so I don't think that's it. I'm using a kitchen scale and where I use "unofficial” estimates I check it against the…