Having safe snacks around worked well when I got home for work and was really hungry and had to make food. It makes it easier to not eat something I shouldn't.
Love Always Seeks The Wholehearted <3 SNOWO
Wow! Good job! That's inspiring :)
First of all, the discussion question is "What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?" and I don't "push a plant based diet" unless your talking about me pushing it upon myself. I stated that I eat dairy in moderation. Second, you state it's not true and don't back it up so your argument is just as good as…
Because of the way the body's bicarbonate buffer system works, the acidity that dairy causes can cause bone loss. I don't think it's a big issue for people who do weight training but if you look up the statistics for the countries with the highest dairy consumption they also lead with bone loss. BUT it's big business like…
Insurance agent or retail idea!
Dairy is bad for your health and so is alcohol. Oooo instant unpopularity :wink:
Who likes lemonade?