dalerst Member


  • Looking fantastic mate!
  • Same goal
  • Yes did a Google search on it last night and bud light is 3g carb per 100ml so it's about right.
    in Alcohol Comment by dalerst July 2017
  • My legs and gluts are definitely sore after most sessions. I have started to feel in in my lower back as the weight increases hence the Form concentration.
  • Once I get the stance I'm 100% happy with I will mark the floor so it's the same every time. The weight today was a bit light but it certainly help with the Form
  • It did feel better as well! No trainers made a big difference so I'm off tomorrow to get some better shoes.
  • Had another go today without the trainers and lowered the weight by 10kg still work to do but felt better to me? https://youtu.be/XIhHOkym7HI
  • Chicken wraps, full of protein and packed with carbs. Add some mayo and you have the fats as well. Tuna and pasta, salmon and rice! All full of good nutrition. Add salad and veg to them!
  • I'm going to try bear foot tomorrow see how I get on if I dont like it I will look at getting some crossfit shoes or something like that.
  • Ok will give it a shot tomorrow, I'm going to drop the weight until I can get it sorted, sitting back feels like I'm leaning forward a lot more with my upper body. I will loses the trainers and try it bear footed.
  • I did think that for my knees, how would I correct it? is it the stance I start with, are my feet to far apart?
  • quick video of my squat, open to help and advice on the form please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEb8n9c0948
  • Mind didn't work the way you described so I have disconnected it from the app, MFP calories are set to 2750 per day yet by lunch time most days fitbit had corrected it by + 300 and by the evening in most cases +600 which is way off my TDEE.
  • Fair enough. Need to look at how I would do that, I only have squat stands so go no place to dump if I need to!!
  • The difficulty with that is knowing when it's going wrong! The rep before was good and I didn't feel as though the next rep was going to be a fail. The weight was more than achievable but something just went wrong on the way down if that make sense.
  • I will get a video posted in the group on my next session.
  • On monday's session one of the last reps in the squats did twig by back slightly, I new as soon as i started the rep it was going wrong, ended up on my toes at the bottom of the squat.
  • Ok so I have noticed that my form is starting to drop now the weigh is increasing, what the best way to deal with the weigh whilst I try to correct my form on my squats and deadlift? if I drop the weight slightly but increase to say 7-8 rep instead of the 5 would that have the same affect? currently I'm on 62kg on squats,…
  • That's not bad going if you have only been doing it 6 weeks and someone of your size. have you tried increasing in smaller numbers 0.5kg each side? I've been doing it 4 weeks now and i'm at the following Squat 62kg Deadlift 70kg Bench 68kg Row 50kg Ohp 32kg but I'm 6'1 and 160lb, my main reason for lower lifts is my form…
  • All of my trading has been at home. Never stepped foot in a gym and it's seems to be working for me. Just get on a good beginners programme and stick to it.
  • Body fat is not my final goal, strength and a decent look. My only reason for asking is because not say to start bulking when you get to 10% ish. I have no ambition to pay money to have it measured.
  • That's the stage I'm at now. Just in to my third week of bulking hoping to gain 10lb by December then do a cut in the new year.
  • I barcode 95% of my food and double check it on the nutrient information on the food I've via the web if it's not listed. Not sure why it would be 150cals different in the rounding 30 to 40 I would of thought is more.like it?
    in Macros Comment by dalerst July 2017
  • I've lost 38lb in 6 months but also lost some muscle mass to go with it, so if I had to do it again I would take longer and also start lifting from the beginning to keep as much muscle mass as possible
  • use my profile pic
  • I snake on lots of fruits and anything really that help on the calorie intake for the day. But stick to my macros as much as possible
  • Rest days have been one of my biggest downs! I've been doing 6 days a week for the last 6 months and not giving any rest to the muscles, now I've lost muscle mass and to much weight I'm now focusing on a 5x5 programme 3 days a week and will hopefully gain some mass back and build muscle at the dame time.
  • It has my TDEE at 2872 per day however all other TDEE has me down at between 2400-2600 so don't think the fitbit is that accurate.
  • That's if you can afford his eating plan. His team are very good at what they do but it will cost a lot of money in food to stick to it.
  • Thanks for the help! for now I will just stick with my scales and monitor it over the next 2 months. They are pretty much giving me the same reading as all the measurement calculator online.