richw76 Member


  • I think you've never been fat, maybe chubby, but not obese. So I agree, if you are a person that is within 30 pounds of high school weight or you only have 10-20 pounds to lose, that's true. If you are a fat kid or former fat kid, yoru advice while well meaning is probably not ideal for that person. For fat people…
  • I think sugar is the same as alcohol, and cigarettes or lots of things. For your health Zero or close to zero is best/ideal but you gotta live too, right. So less is better. I avoid sugary drinks, yes coffee that taste like a candy cane counts. The less sugar you consume the less you want. I used to go to this cupcake…
  • If he gets on a good strength training program he will already preserve "as much mass" as possible. And I did say track calories and Majority, meaning most. But this person has 150lbs. to lose, he's lost 40, which is fantastic so he really doesn't need help on how to lose anyway. My main point is get as strong as you…
  • ok, so this is said with no negative intent. Also I started off at about 350lb 6 years ago. My lowest weight was 195lb, and I'm about 224lb right now. I just add that to say I get it, your focused. So I'll share what helped me. First off your still a big person and although it's a great strategy to retain as much muscle as…