Fitterhealthier Member


  • Proper ongoing, longer term therapy from someone who specialises in eating disorders: someone to help manage the emotional factors behind your weight and eating issues. If you're in the USA try: Mindfulness can also help managing anxiety, stress, difficult feelings. Overeaters anonymous…
  • p.s. this is one to prep the night before, but it can make a few portions to freeze/fridge and nuke later!
  • Pad Thai: 50g dry rice noodles, soaked in COLD water for 1 hour. Follow any pad thai recipe you like, but do *not* cook your noodles in water before stir frying. This method stops them clumping together. Mixed veggies of your choice, sliced. So onions, bell peppers, zucchni, spinach, beansprouts, broccoli....and protein of…