mbeck376 Member


  • Caren I couldn't agree more I've had success but need to get back at it! Feel free to add me I'd love to join you on this journey! We got this!
  • @porschewallace69 I hear you! I have about 100 lbs to loose I can cut back on my eating and eat better but it's getting up earlier or staying up later to get a work out in that I struggle with! I gained about 30 lbs when I had my little girl it came off right away after birth but from being a new mom and like you having a…
  • Hello I'm Mandi I've got about 100 lbs to loose and am ready to get down to it! I'm not a friend collector and would love to be a support and cheerleader to you!
  • @katashaaa I'm right there with you although my little one is 7 months old over all I'd like to loose about 100 lbs feel free to add me to your friends list!
  • Hello there all I'm new to this thread thing but I'm hoping it will help me get back into the swing of things. I used MFP before and between that and exercise I lost about 30 lbs after going through a divorce and then getting pregnant ans having a baby I've put almost all of that back on again I feel gross and don't like…