DX2JX2 Member


  • Don't bother with intervals or dedicated speed work until you're regularly running ~20 miles per week. The best way to get faster at 'shorter' endurance events like a 5K is to run easy for longer. Get yourself to the point where you are regularly running slow 10Ks a couple of times per week. It'll take 3-4 months to really…
  • I'm a little more strict in maintenance than some as I still weigh out my lunch and snacks but beyond that I just keep a running tally of intake in my head. It helps that my maintenance program has been to generally only consume 50% of my maintenance needs through late afternoon (gross of exercise calories). This means…
  • I'm convinced that races that give away 'tech' shirts that are more cotton-like than satin-like were not organized by runners. Either give me a t-shirt or give me a shirt to run in. I don't want a shirt that tries to be both. Those cotton-y tech shirts are nipple killers.
  • Mouth breathing is fine. The only reason most people recommend to breathe through your nose is that it forces you to consciously control your breathing and (more often than not) slow down your pace.
  • Most of our bodies have crappy intuitions. Advocates of IE are incapable of seeing outside their own perspective with the understanding that not everybody is wired the same way. Our physiology is such that it's common for our bodies to have a bias towards surplus. Build up stores while food is available in order to survive…
  • Powder can help. I wouldn't use antiperspirant as blocking the sweat from exiting your body can make things worse (as can lotions). Though you said you don't like it, regularly giving the area air during your runs is one of the best things you can do. It comes with an added benefit that waving your arms while you run once…
  • Just go with Band Aids. No need to get the pricey ones - just use the drug store brand bulk pack.
  • How many miles per week are you currently running?
  • I don't mean to be a smarty pants but google is your friend. There are a ton of recipes online for low cal banana muffins. Are you looking for a particular characteristic that's not normally part of a muffin recipe (high protein, no gluten, etc.)?
    in Muffins Comment by DX2JX2 May 2019
  • LOL - I'm not quite that bad but yes, weight management is so much easier when you don't mind being boring and monotonous with much of your food selection. That's how I lost all of my weight (though I did reintroduce variety for dinners and weekends once I got to maintenance).
  • Agreed with the caveat that most of us recreational exercisers (i.e., sub-2 hour moderate effort cardio sessions) don't really need to worry about electrolytes. Overall proper hydration is the more critical concern.
  • I would wager that unless you need to train to carry a lot of gear on the go (e.g., military), then hills or interval work would be safer and more effective at building speed. The benefits of a weighted vest are pretty clear, but it would put an 'unnatural' stress on your body given that slow endurance running isn't a…
  • I personally don't push myself hard enough to make it too much of a concern. IMO, for most of us on this board fasted or fed workouts are more about preference and comfort than actual performance. Even better, see if there's a good way to make the electrolyte vs. non-electrolyte totally random and blinded. It would be a…
  • How bad will it be? Light drizzle or borderline monsoon? No need for a consciously slower pace unless you feel the conditions battling you (e.g., constant wind in the face). Outside of that, just run your race. Weather is one of the reasons that not every race will be a PR but no need to concede that until the end. For…
  • Raw almonds are my general 'healthy go-to' though I've recently shifted to eating whatever snacks I want as long as I weigh out a proper portion first.
  • I cook mine just for the halibut. J/K. Treat it like any other meaty white fleshed fish (a la bass or cod, etc.). I like pan searing the best. The grill can be a bit aggressive so I save that for really meaty fish (tuna or swordfish), and baking/roasting can be hard to control the final temperature. I actually like to use…
  • I've since retired from running formal races because I push myself too hard but I had a case of shin splints that I didn't rest properly and turned into stress fractures. Took 8 weeks of absolutely zero running to finally get pain free after 4 weeks of thinking I'd be OK running a partial load. A partial load was…
  • Your BM measurements will surely go down as you lose weight. The problem is that the scale doesn't really know if you're losing fat or muscle since the technology simply isn't that good. In the long term it will default to show BM measurements trending more or less in line with weight. Or if there is a trend difference…
  • I wager that the entire recipe is a bit more than 127 calories. Might need to adjust the serving size!
  • Only benefit of most of these scales is the ability to automatically sync your weigh-ins with your online accounts. All other measurements are fairly worthless (save for BMI, which is a canned calculation based on height and weight anyway). BF%, etc. will always be inaccurate on an absolute basis and will invariably trend…
  • You want a flat wide sole with stable base. Avoid anything with drop (incline from heel to toe) and a ton of cushioning. Thick cushioning isn't super important because you'll be up on your toes for most of this work anyway and the cushioning could make you lose some connection to the ground. They do make dedicated…
  • For 50 miles you can eat whatever the hell you want.
  • Basically, they're not the be all end all. Transition slowly and if they work for you great. If you feel any discomfort or pain along the way, consider pulling back. Also, if you aren't haven't problems with traditional shoes, then there is no real reason to change (but you still can if you want to, of course). It's all…
  • You've got it backwards. We don't carb load so we can run the half. We run the half so we can carb load!
  • Skip the crust altogether. Have a grilled chicken parm or something. Don't only worry about the crust...beware sugar in your tomato sauce if you're not making it yourself.
  • I'm a purist - sausages are grilled (ideally) or pan fried in a pinch. Onions and peppers are cooked hot and fast in a frying pan with some oil. Serve on a chewy and lightly crisp hoagie roll. Alternatively, you can do the above but then drop everything into a vat of tomato sauce for a while and then eat with some bread…
  • I don't know if it was the same study, but a study also found that training heel strikers to run forefoot generally leads to more injuries for those runners even with a careful transition and adaptation period. Contrary to popular belief, forefoot striking doesn't eliminate landing force, it just shifts it to another place…
  • Totally up to the individual. I personally don't eat specifically to fuel a run and do most of my runs in the morning on an empty stomach. I generally don't even bother with a gel or gu for an easy long session less than 2 hours unless I'm training my stomach to deal with them during a race. Water, on the other hand, I…
  • Unless you're a pro or very competitive athlete, post-workout supplements aren't terribly important. The key is to gradually build yourself up. Doing too much too soon is a guaranteed injury and supplements will not help with that. This holds true for all high stress/impact physical activity, but is especially true for…
  • With your stats, you need something like 1500 calories a day net of exercise calories to maintain. Assuming that you run 4 miles per day on average, this would say that you should be eating close to 1800-1900 calories per day to keep your weight steady. Worrying about macros is majoring in the minors for you right now. Up…