dnoble18 Member


  • I've been doing a 17:7 IF for about two months now. I eat from 11 to 6 pm, two meals and maybe a snack if I need it. I restrict myself to that window but I don't eat if I don't feel actually hungry. Some days my calories are shockingly low, but I feel fine so I don't worry about it. In that time I've totally overhauled my…
  • I'm giving myself incremental goals, 10 lbs at a time. I get a massage every time I hit one. I don't want to put my real goal up for two reasons. First is that it's a really long way away from where I am, thus it would be depressing and discouraging. Two things I'm removing from my life. Second is that I don't have a…
  • Hi all! I'm new to MFP but not new to the weight war. I started IF about six weeks ago and I love it! Truly. I need simple and IF is simple, at least the way I'm doing it. I eat no more than 2000 calories between 11am and 7pm. Most days I'm well under that and not feeling like I'm suffering. I'm down 13 lbs but more…
  • I'm three weeks into a journey to lose 60 pounds and get my health back. I'm 48, and unless I make it to 100 (very unlikely), I have more days behind me than are in front of me. I want to enjoy every one of them, but I need my body to let me. I'm working at finding a healthy balance. I don't do moderation, in anything.…