vickarye Member


  • Well i work 10 or 12 hours a day and dont have time to eat often im working on trying to make things i can take and eat through the day but i need a day off to do that . and im still learning what i can and cant eat on keto . i am a bread person. So most of my calories before came from carbs
  • I have stayed right about 1000 calories a day i havent gone over 35 carbs a day i drink lots of water . im on my feet about 10 hours a day but i havent gottwn back in the gym yet
  • Most of what i have read say you should see reaults in the first week of keto but aside from feeling crappy for a few days and peeing alot i have not lost any weight or noticed any thing different . any thoughts
  • I tried a simple fat bomb recipe amd it called for honey as the sweetner ... Amd this morning i saw on a list of things not to eat on keto that you should not have honey ... Have i ruened the day and the fat bombs or is honey ok ?
  • I had been drinking water but it was not helping . the poweraid zero helped alot no more headache. I never realized how nany carbs are in everything. But im doing good sticking to it. So for all the other newbies just dont give up. I dont feel 100% better but im sure in a day or 2 i will be good to go .
  • I have a headach and im shakey i jumped right in to this i didnt cut back first. But i wasent sure if it was to soon to be having those kind of symptems
  • Im day to into keto amd have stayed under 35 carbs and met my fat and protine intake for both days is it normal at this point to have a headach and be shakey or have "keto flu " symptomes or am i doing something wrong ?
  • I went on pintrest for a keto coffee recipe and for any one new to the idea like i am the links provided by lissetmba qhere extreamly helpfull and this one on pintrest broke it all down further . good luck to any newbie like me.…
  • Thank you i will deffinantly check that out im starting today as soon as i do some research im so excited
  • Im thinking about doing keto and i have looked around but im not sure i quite get what im supposed to be eating aside from cutting out carbs and eating high fat and protine . i dont understand the macros and how to measure what my amount should be . dose any one have a semi simple answer
  • I'm new to the community and looking for friends to help out and keep motivation and support going