nancy939393 Member


  • It's the same for me, I wasted over an hour yesterday trying to get fitbit to sync with myfitnesspal before I gave up.
  • I have EDS (probably type I), never been genetically tested but have 8/9 on beighton scale and some healing issues with injuries taking much longer than they should to heal. I have the bruising at nothing, tons of scars and all that. Mine has caused some issues but it's low-moderate. I do have to be careful when I increase…
  • I am currently using noon and mfp. I find their calorie recommendations are horrible, and I hate their food logging software. I use myfitnesspal to set calories and food log. The daily readings and such are helping me. A lot of the studies are ones I' be seen in depth before when take psychology based courses on increasing…
    in Noom? Comment by nancy939393 August 2019
  • I sit down and eat a tub of fresh salsa (the whole container) with a spoon. It's like a spicy gazpacho and only 150 calories, and packed with vitamins. It fills up my stomach (literally) and the spiceness I find provides satiety (normally). If it doesn't then I need protein.
  • I stopped breastfeeding in June and have lost 17 pounds since, and couldn't get the scale to budge while breastfeeding without plummeting my milk supply. Now I am loosing weight when I am barely trying. Like husband and I went out of town to a conference last weekend and I knew I wouldn't be able to count calories…
  • My gallbladder failed (no stones, just stopped working) and was removed in 2010. My failed gallbladder had in some ways messed up my weight as due to a really stupid primary care doctor it was failed for 2 years before diagnosed. My primary care doctor suggested my abdominal pain was psychosomatic. I had lines through my…
  • Thanks for all the comments and encouragement. My little one is just 7 months and I'm going to give it more time. It's just so weird that the weight is coming off fairly easily, and I can wear a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes now, I just look different. Thank you all.
  • Mine is pizza. I have extreme trouble leaving pizza for leftovers the next day. So I generally arrange to share pizza such that there will be no more than my portion available for me.
  • Thank you for saying this. I also really struggled so hard with my supply and spent several 100s of dollars on nursing supplements and different pump parts, etc. I power pumped multiple times a day for weeks. Baby had a tongue tie at the beginning which got things off wrong. Breastfeeding for me is harder than the birthing…
  • I just recently stopped breastfeeding and have started losing weight. (4 pounds the first week not breast feeding) My weight stayed exactly the same the whole time I was breastfeeding.