strength_n_song Member


  • Awesome! Good luck on your competition! I'll look forward to seeing the results! I've trained off and on for around 15 years, was training 6-7 days a week before I started my midwifery apprenticeship. No competing, just the pure satisfaction of being a middle-aged woman with 7 kids and able to hang tough with "the guys." I…
  • I'm not currently breastfeeding, but I have breastfed my babies, and I'm a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Feel free to add me!
  • Smoked pulled pork, slaw, cucumber tomato salad, watermelon. Happy Independence Day, y'all!
  • Congratulations! Your OB or midwife should be helping you monitor your nutrition during pregnancy and counseling you about the foods you should be eating and the foods you should be avoiding, as well as the amount you should be eating. If your provider does not make the time to discuss nutrition with you, shop around!
  • Find an activity you both enjoy doing, and just have fun together. How about while you're lounging by the pool, jump in and swim some laps? It sounds like you enjoy nature--take short hikes together and build up to longer hikes. Go kayaking regularly--start easy and short and build up to longer and more challenging. Good…
  • I wear a monitor when I work out at home, and I've paid attention to how much I burn when doing different things--bag work, kata, sparring, etc. Then I estimate classes.
  • Good to know. I was just thinking of signing up again.
  • Doula work is a good option, too. I have lots of doula friends who attend both hospital and home births, and if you work with an agency you can share call. (I hope I can someday find someone to share call with!)
  • Good for you for making time to be healthy while you are still in school! And best of luck to you!
  • Thank you! (I typed out a reply but it didn't post it all, and now I can't remember what I typed! Something along the lines of being called to this for years before finally answering the call, lol.) I've been a RN for 20 years, but the path I'm on is CPM. CNMs don't attend home births where I live, and that's where my…
  • Congrats to you! What area are you going into?