prepregnancypants Member


  • This title spoke to me so just thank you for this. I have been struggling since the holidays but not giving up. So there are ups and downs but we have to just keep grinding and remember the big picture. Every day I am writing down something good about the day, something I did well, and I am remembering that it is about…
  • I have been "off plan" so to speak since the holidays, not even tracking consistently. I have been desperately clinging to the success I had and watching it slip away. So my first mini goal is to track every day and be within my calories for many of them. I know I can do it and it is in my control. It actually feels good.…
  • I turned 40 in march and this has been part of the catalyst to start taking care of myself... again. I have gained and lost so get disappointed in myself but I am back on this journey and just grateful I think.. For me it is about being a good example for my kids and my health at this point. And feeling better about…
  • Definitely fitting into pants.. I have a ton in my closet and currently only 3 pair of pants fit me and all have elastic. So that is a pretty big goal!! I have a few that zipper but are still too tight to wear comfortably (without fear or ripping) so I am close! Another mini goal is showing a healthy lifestyle to my kids.…
  • I went for a bike ride with the whole family yesterday. I love that it was all together and building a healthy lifestyle. When we got home, we walked the dog together. This is a great and healthy change and makes me grateful for starting this journey.
  • Thank you for this thread. I am in a very similar situation as the original poster in that I weighed myself and am 220 pounds and feel a lot of shame of having let myself get to this point. I also recently turned 40. I feel grateful and ready to embark on this journey. I am healthy now but need to stay that way and want to…