geektoriasecret Member


  • I started doing intuitive eating. There are a ton of books/articles on it, but the basic gist is no longer restricting certain foods, and listening to you body. If you're not stomach-rumbling hungry, don't eat. If you want a bowl of ice cream, have it. Once things aren't off-limits anymore, they're less appealing to binge.…
  • My mini-goals through the end of the year: > Get under 260 (currently at 278 after being 284 a couple weeks ago) > Hit the gym three days a week minimum, work out five days a week (usually going for a walk on non-gym days) > Go a full week without disordered thinking regarding food (no binging, no guilt) > Get my back…
  • Yep; your body naturally retains water during your period, so you'll weigh a bit more. Mine has fluctuated by five pounds before! Don't stress too much about the numbers on the scale, especially if you know you're on your period.