StonedDigiMonk Member


  • Well, your BMR roughly is 2000 Cal, which is what your body burns to stay alive, so to speak. Note that this 2000 Cal is a massive approximation based on your body type, lifestyle and more. But let's just stick with 2000 Cal to get thru the math. You take in 1200 Cal, so you create a daily deficit of 800 Cal. One lb of fat…
  • Seriously! Let's do this again. Need to knock off those 50lbs I regained... Am on if you are!!
  • a tactic with Meal Replacement Shakes is as follows a) reduce overall intake of food in lunch and dinner by say 20% of the calories b) introduce a meal replacement shake between breakfast/lunch and between lunch/dinner This should get you to the 5-6 meals of 500 calories per meal (average) and keep your metabolism…
  • welcome! it's said that people who 'workout with friends' and journal their foods+exercise are 6 times more likely to lose weight than those who do not! You're in good company to get into good shape! :smiley:
  • how i deal with cravings : Chewing gum or Walk someplace a mile away, and buy some fruits and walk back. apple cider vinegar : works best on an empty stomach. Mix one bottle with a spoonful of raw garlic & honey to taste ... and you've got an incredible potion for preventing weight gain, heart ailments, arthritis and what…
  • Hi Steve, I have lost and gained weight so often - close to 45 years of age. Well, am back at the gym and on with the juicer! Keep at it mate, we're in good company to get into good shape! :smiley: