Alexa11411 Member


  • Hello again - thank you @Daimebird and @Stucktastic (I hope I'm tagging correctly!) that is such positive and helpful advice. Yesterday wasn't one of my best days I must admit, but my weight didn't rocket as I didn't lose all control. So I feel as if I did fall on the third day as usual, but I did manage not to throw…
  • Hello thanks for your message I'm really glad you asked - thanks! am doing ok I think. I did the IF yesterday and the night before from 6pm unt 10am but I haven't quite managed it so well tonight, I think because I was a bit under prepared. Tomorrow will be the ultimate test for me though. Usually I get swept along on a…
  • I have had a proper look at Happy Scale today and it looks great for keeping small changes in perspective. I'm a bit hyper-sensitive about those! Losing 30lbs is amazing you must have been very motivated - but I understand how hard it is to get back into the way of consistently keeping at it every day. That is what I am…
  • Thank you for such encouragement and for advising me to keep focused on the bigger picture. I have found and downloaded Happy Scale to help me to that. Thank you again for all these responses. I feel so much better with such encouragement, good will and wishes, and positivity around me. x
  • Hello thank you very much for your message and for so much good will and encouragement. I really took to heart the help and advice offered to me yesterday when I was a bit low. So today I have found out and changed my TDEE, managed to create a deficit of at least 500 calories by cycling the school run and dog walking, and…
  • Thank you it's really good to hear about a personal example of how important logging is. And also that I'm not the only one struggling with this! Thank you everyone I'm feeling more positive this morning with your support. Thank you for the good wishes. x
  • Thank you very much that is all really interesting and has made me feel more motivated. I don't usually eat first thing as I can't really stomach it so I think IF might suit me. Also I have just googled calculate my TDEE and I have that now too and have reset my calorie goal. I am going also to log every single thing.…
  • Thank you very much for your replies I had no idea I would get such support - thank you very much. If I'm honest I haven't been totally honest AT ALL with my logging. Having opened my diary up has made me realise that. And thank you for suggesting I have to be much more accurate with logging as I have half a stone and not…
  • Gosh I've just looked at it and it's awful - embarrassing and incomplete. But it's open.
  • Hello - thank you very much for replying so quickly. I'll go into my settings and open it up.