jmweiner1 Member


  • [/quote] Something is way off here. Where did you get these figures? As someone else said, you're a normal weight for your height -- close to overweight, but still normal. Where did the 39% body fat come from? I believe 30% and above is obese, so I don't understand how you can be a normal weight and have that body fat…
  • Your posts have all been very insightful for me, particularly regarding calorie burn. How do I determine my calorie burn for Crossfit without a Fitbit-type tracker? Thank you.
  • Love love love Crossfit I am a 57 YO unathletic female. At times I do feel bad that I am literally the worst person in class. But then I don't give a
  • My son and I have ankylosing spondilitis. Echoing what others have said -- biologics saved our lives. I could push through pain but not fatigue. Little by little I worked up to where now I am a Crossfitter. IMO every body is different and every day is different. You do the best you can but there is no magic bullet. Are you…