tumsashrinks Member


  • Thank you! It's a good reminder that my BMR could also be different. I think I will just try to eat based on what MFP tells me to eat per day and will not eat back exercise calories and see what happens with my weight loss. I've been eating to lose 0.5kg per week and if I see that I consistently lose a lot more, I will eat…
  • The stride length (and therefore distance) is okay when I take a walk outside in my average daily pace. My issue is with getting those 8k that I get during the day, I don't think my stride length is that big when I take a few steps to grab a book from a shelf or when I go to make a cup of coffee so maybe that is the issue.…
  • Hi everyone! I have had my Fitbit for over a year and it has helped me to increase my activity level. I haven't counted my calories for a long time so I haven't been worried too much about what FitBit estimates etc. and how it works with MFP (that part is pretty clear to me). A few days ago I decided to start tracking my…
  • I am too afraid to do anything water related with mine, I even make sure too much rain doesn't get on it. :D I have heard that for others it's not an issue but I don't want anything to happen to it during warranty time. Other than that I really love it, it has made me much more active than I used to be, I get those 10k…
  • It's definitely possible, there's not a lot of good info out there, but I have found quite a few things that helped me to start vegan keto (I started to log my meals in the MFP food diary today). This reddit post sums up well what you can eat and should focus on. I plan to eat tons of leafy greens, celery, mushrooms,…
  • It sounds like your first weight loss experience wasn't fun (re: "started enjoying life a little more"), you might have had a strict, "clean" diet and from my experience, it's what makes things hard. I lost half of my excess weight that way and then I refused to lose the rest because it was too strict, too hard, not fun…
  • I often forget to eat breakfast. I make "the lazy" oatmeal where I pour boiling water over it and leave it to soak, Usually I would go back in 10 minutes to eat it, but sometimes I realize it's been 2-3 hours since I made it and I haven't eaten yet. It happens at least once per week and started to happen when I developed a…
  • I can only recommend to listen to your doctors and really rest as long as they say. I started to walk again too quickly and too much and now, 3 weeks later, my ankle is properly messed up and even my knee is starting to hurt. You can always lift dumbbells while sitting or try to search for "seated workout videos", I am…
  • You need to start weighing yourself daily for a few months and you will see all kinds of crazy things on that scale :smiley: Not only your weight changes during the day, but it can change between days like crazy too. Ate mushrooms with super salty marinade? Sure, +2lbs next morning, did not eat anything high in sodium that…
  • Something I am currently doing: a cookbook challenge. If you have a cookbook (with healthy recipes or recipes that you can tweak to fit your caloric needs), try to cook every recipe out of it. Usually, they will differ from each other since the author wants to showcase what they/you can cook. I tend to find a few recipes…
  • You can always get something small and still be within your daily goal. Or split that piece of cake/cup of chips etc. with someone else. I think it's a good rule in general, to still eat foods you like (unless it's all very unhealthy ofc) and have a square of chocolate here or there if otherwise, you feel deprived because…
  • https://www.fitbit.com/user/5V6D7D
  • My problem with sites like DietBet is that they require a specific goal (e.g. "lose 4% in 4 weeks" or "lose 10% in 6 months") and while mostly they are reasonable, I feel like this could make some people do everything they can do get to that goal, e.g., if you are 3,9% down and the end is near, you might do unhealthy…
  • It depends, I guess. You have to be very stern with continuing after that break. I lost 30lbs and my doctor actually recommended to take a break to insure I get more nutritions and let my body adjust to the new weight etc. Well, that "one maintenance month" ended up being like four or five years because I managed to find…
  • I lost around 30lbs five or six years ago by counting calories, exercising etc. (I was using SP site), and I had the same issues. In the end, after months and months of gaining and losing and gaining and losing, I finally managed to keep those 30lbs off by making it more realistic and stopping to see everything as either…
  • I fell down the stairs yesterday and my heart rate spiked to 140 while I tried to get up, figure out if nothing is broken and get to the car etc., since I also dropped my phone a floor below, I was really stressed. And of course due to that elevated heart rate, Fitbit recorded the time period as an exercise. So, falling…
  • Thank you, @Christine_72 and @OliveGirl128 , your replies make me feel a bit better about my sugar consumption. Still will keep an eye on it, but it's good to know I am not the only one.
  • If you can get your hands on Hemp Protein Powder by Raab Vitalfood, it's my favorite of all I've tried, the only ingredient is "100% hemp powder of controlled biological cultivation" so no sugars or other stuff, and while you can taste slight hemp taste if you try to eat it raw (e.g. sprinkled on a sandwich or something),…
  • I'm 28 years old vegan (been one for 3 years) looking to lose about 60lbs, will add you and cheer for you! Going plant based solved many of my health problems, especially digestion related ones, but not all, of course. I don't think it's a magical diet that cures all illnesses but I think excluding things like red meat,…
  • I track fiber as well, but thankfully, because of all the veggies and greens I eat, fiber is not a problem. ;D And yeah, I am focused on CICO part, just a bit worried about how high my sugar was compared to recommended one. Oh I know! Not blaming sugar for that one, I actually gained those 60lbs as a teenager/young adult…