MeemawCanDoIt Member


  • I don't lose any weight at all during the 10 days before my period. Then I lose 5 pounds in the week following. Consistently! Horomones, water retention, what fun!
  • I feel your pain. I was bulimic from the time I was 12 until 28, on and off. Even now, ten years later, I still feel the pull when I'm on a "diet" and it took many, many years to feel ok in my skin. At my worst at 28, I went to the doctor and requested Luvox, a med that reduced my impulse to purge. That helped me break the…
  • @elle77belle I just tried Quest Protein Chips. They hit the spot. The texture is similar to baked Lays with a corn aftertaste. I needed more protein today, so these were ok. I can have these when my family has individual bags of Baked Lays. Thanks for mentioning these!
  • I'll have to order some protein chips!
  • I eat around 1,000-1,100 calories, too. I'm content with that. I'm losing weight steadily and feel just fine. I don't eat my exercise calories back, either. We know our own bodies.
  • I've lost below what my insurance will cover, so I'm thrilled it's the first weight that will be submitted.
  • I NEVER have a cheat meal because I fear that getting off track may make it too hard for me to get back on track. It's not worth the risk for me.
  • My family is actually really understanding and supportive. I just feel guilty. I'm the cook at home and they just don't get to enjoy certain foods as much now. Potato chips are the one and only food I WILL eat, regardless of whether it's in a special cabinet.
  • @rou7e It looks like you're about 5 weeks out. How are you doing?
  • @MrsCarrieRobinson Portion sized bags is also a great idea. My husband keeps some snacks in his truck. ;)
  • I like this idea a lot!
  • My B12 came back in the middle of normal range.
  • I had injections at the podiatrist's office. I highly recommend trying it.
  • I haven't had surgery yet, but have jumped on board and embraced the necessary changes while I jump through insurance hoops. I wholeheartedly look forward to surgery. You have to want surgery for YOU. If you don't want it, try on your own. You may later decide surgery is the right path for you. Don't do it if you don't…
  • Like you, I have fibromyalgia and plantar fasciitis. It wasn't until I had injections in my feet that I was able to work out and not be in excruciating pain after. I feel your pain. I also purchased Altra shoes. They are amazing for plantar fasciitis. Best of luck!
  • Welcome! It sounds like you're doing well.
    in Hi Comment by MeemawCanDoIt July 2017
  • Aspartame gives me headaches. I don't feel well after consuming more than a little bit. That's enough for me.
  • I still haven't had surgery yet, and I'm losing weight while playing the waiting game, so I was just able to purchase tops that weren't plus size!!!! And I am finally not classified as "morbidly obese." That category always nagged at me.
  • I've been into avocado deviled eggs and avocado egg salad. I just use avocado instead of mayo, a bit of mustard, a dash of salt. I also like a bit of garlic powder in there. Yum!
  • I'm so happy you're doing well. It's amazing you could get that much work at the same time. Awesome!
  • Any new updates? I've been following.
  • My doctor asked me to choose a goal, with a "normal" BMI in mind.
  • I'm here. I'm pre-op but have lost around 35 pounds. My doctor's office has been slow submitting all my records to the bariatric surgeon's office to get insurance approval. I'm hoping surgery will happen by October. My goal is to lose 100 pounds. The doc wants me exercising a hour a day, and that has been a struggle. Using…
  • Hi Jimi. I have absolutely no insight, but wondered if you're doing any better.
  • Update: My BMI was just over 40 at my appointment and the doctor said I can lose as much as I'm able to lose between now and the surgery. The BMI from my consult is the one submitted to insurance.
  • Sauerkraut has too much sodium to track. I just under logged sauerkraut today.
  • I am pre-surgery, but can say that I handle social functions just as you do. I am afraid of buffets, trigger foods, and yummy catered events. Knowing I may overeat, I avoid these situations. I can't see how that will be different after surgery. I'm sorry I can't give you any tips, as I'm not to that point yet, but I feel…
  • Hi. I'm Jenni, a 39 yo grandmother. I decided to do this to keep up with my precious granddaughters and tackle my insulin resistance. On the path to VSG. Height: 5'3" Max weight: 265, size 22w, 2/3x Current weight: 235, size 18w, 1/2x I've had my psych consult and meet with the nutrtionalist this week. My family doctor has…