FieryIntuition Member


  • A lot of people say this but I dunno there's just something about Christmas I like. She's a fighter. I don't have the feeds though so I only go by the spoilers I see on twitter and the episodes I watch.
  • I have a love/hate relationship with this season. I like Paul, Christmas, Raven, and Kevin. Ramses has been growing on me, and Josh is adorable in a "my mouth doesn't always connect with my brain" kind of way. ...If any of that offends anyone I apologize. =) Glad Christmas stayed in the game and hope Jessica is the next to…
  • Hope it's okay to join even though I have a daily step goal of 25k steps? I'm naturally restless and generally get at least 21k steps a day. I'm a nanny to 5 year old twins so when I'm working I'm constantly on my feet. Yesterday was a failure at 23,432 and today I likely won't even hit 22k but I'm not giving up. I will…
  • I am currently doing intermittent fasting, eating only between noon and 8pm though I admit sometimes i just have to have something in the morning or I get stressed so I'll snack at night. So I only have lunch and dinner, with moderate snacking usually twice a day.
  • Greetings! I'm Aly and I'm a bisexual woman in a collared submissive relationship with my boyfriend. If anyone else checks here let me know. Maybe we could get this group going? I'm open to all BDSM aspects, looking to lose weight, and am always happy to get to know other like-minded people.
  • Not my first time on this site but I'm determined to make this time work! Would love to make some friends who are looking to make changes to their life including moving more, eating healthier, and being happier. Especially looking for those with mild/moderate depression who know all about the lows that can happen from out…