" ACCOUNTABILITY: 7/15: 4.6 mile walk " Late start today. Smoke detectors scared the bejesus out of us last night about midnight. Just heading down the hall to go to bed and they all went off, they are interconnected, started in the basement so I'm freakin out looking for smoke/fire. Thankfully nothing was smoking near…
An emoji cut my post short. Had to remove it so it all would post..
" ACCOUNTABILITY: 7:13: zip 7:14: 4.6 mile walk " Finally managed to get outdoors today. Had a decent walk this afternoon. Going to miss the old site. Hopefully this one grows as comfy as the old one. Now the mentions of Athlean and Jeff C won't get booted. Sherry! Way to go. You have been keeping us in the dark. Way to…
" ACCOUNTABILITY: 7:13: zip 7:14: 4.6 mile walk " Finally managed to get outdoors today. Had a decent walk this afternoon. Going to miss the old site. Hopefully this one grows as comfy as the old one. Now the mentions of Athlean and Jeff C won't get booted.