SarahRishelle Member


  • I just mealprepped, then saved all the meals on the meals list so I can add them easily. In the morning I log all my meals and snacks I plan on eating throughout the day (only takes 5-10 minutes) to make sure I am gonna meet my goals. Sometimes I do it the night before. Having all the food ready and on my list makes it so…
  • At one week in I have lost a solid 2 lbs!
  • I suggest multivitamin and fish oil and a protein powder. If you can afford it, I would also take BCAA... this will help your body attack the fat and not your muscles when your shedding pounds. This is especially helpful if you are in a large calorie deficit or doing fasted cardio in the mornings. Lastly, a Pre-workout can…
  • Maybe have some caffein around 3? it should be early enough to avoid messing with your sleep and just late enough to ward off cravings. Then maybe a greek yogurt and raw veggies to snack on. The fiber from raw veggies can really fill you up with few calories and the bright colors make it mentally satisfying to eat.