htate85 Member


  • Thanks for all the great tips!! (I've never tested for celiac. I was fairly healthy as a child and my current condition didn't bother me until after I started having kids, which my digestive doctor thinks may have triggered it (with every pregnancy symptoms got stronger). Sounds really strange..)
  • Hah! Yeah, it's great.. Just staying away from gluten, dairy and low amounts of fiber have seemed to help me improve. I've found that I'm most sensitive to dairy though. Also, ate something with soy in it today and quickly learned that's not good either. Having the chance to feel "normal" has shown me how bad I really had…
  • Sounds like I'll have to cook a whole lot more! Having 3 small kids and a husband whose diets are fine, I'm always making something separate for myself. I know they don't mind eating what I do, but I'm not going to force a change of lifestyle on them too. Will power is definitely tested when most of the pantry is off…