I think the only person who can help is yourself, after all, if you cheat its only you who suffers good luck
Spent over 40 years driving heavy stuff for a living, don't help with the weight but the unloading sure builds the muscles.
Wait till you get to my age.......its just a memory....but you last a whole lot longer.
After 40 years of togetherness....i'm well and truly immune to the charms of a lady.
Just now Brown bread bacon and mushroom sandwich
So glad to read the replies, I love my nightly glass or three of red wine, it dulls the wife's WHINE :0 (did I say that out loud?) I include it in my calorie count.
As a former long distance driver, I used to skip all meals until the evening meal, then I'd sleep. I smoked back then so a cigarette was a substitute for food, not the healthiest way to live as I found out.
Pass me the hoobiegadget
Black Carrot
pucker up
I'd join in and try to remember wht I'd do if I were 40 years younger.