Dusting yuck! Have to keep it up our house is on the market with a 5 year old and 19 month old!!Fingerprints everywhere, bathrooms and left overs getting them out of the fridge in the only one that will do this comes in a close second!
Left over beef, veggies, avocado for healthy fat! Cottage cheese and half a peach
This isn't my post sorry don't know why it popped up nice food prep!
my dimples
I try to eat in between meals to prevent getting to hungry, I had too when I had gestational so it's habit now. So put a protein with my carb, healthy carb
you bite it you write it! It's till has calories, carbs, sugar etc
I tried the depo once gained 15-20lbs in a month not for me!
I never had trouble losing weight on the pill or Nuba ring. I'm on Mirena now only 6 weeks so not sure if it will affect my weight loss, struggling getting weight off the past year
I've just started been doing 21 day fix, thought I'd also keep track of my calories since weight isn't coming off with diet and excercise frustration