InesFit4Health Member


  • Let's do this Sept 4- 157 Sept 11 - Sept 18 Sept 25 Oct 2 - Total loss Ultimate goal - 135 My goal is more salads, exercise daily (gym for weights or walking), one cheat meal a week. Being more active. I want to end Sept in the 140s (high 140s but that's realistic. And never see 150s again. We can do this!
  • Cut your nails, trim your hair, that extra .2 should go away :smile: I know it's so frustarting when you just want to see that magical number and it teases you by .2!!!
  • First Challenge Starting weight : 200 Current weight :154.6 August goal : 148 Ultimate goal : 135 Total loss for August : 08/01 154.6 08/07 154.6 (can anyone say plateau...?) 08/14 08/21 08/28 08/31
  • I am sorry you are uncomfortable and in pain, that really sucks. As far as skipping the gym because what other people may think.. I doubt anyone cares, they are there to workout and not judge others. You go to the gym to do what you need to do. Everyone is there to better themselves and if you are there to exericse and…
  • If you are doing weight lifting you may have gained some muscle, I always think exercise is important for overall health so don't stop. You just started, you are only on week 5, have already lost 5 pounds. That is a pound a week! Congrats, that's the right direction and it's better for you to lose slow and steady than…
  • I don't have patience to measure, track and calculate calories. I have tried and I hate it. I do look at calorie content of things to be "Aware" but for the most part what has helped me a lot is these two things: - Eat real, whole foods. Reduce the amount of pre-made, packet processed meals. - Don't drink your calories. -…
  • Single mom of a almost 2 year old, i work FT so managing to find time is the biggest challenge! I found something things that worked though. I've lost 43 pounds so far since last year but the bulk (ha!) of it Jan- May 2017 about 30 this year. Going from size 16 to 8! What helped me so far: FOOD: - I started cooking really…
  • We are on the same path! 40 down stagnant for a while and got 25-30 to go. Not my first rodeo either, and I love the idea of forming a real bond with someone towards our path to health.