gers1976 Member


  • Yep I do. Most of my joints sublax regularly. I do have hypermobility spectrum disorder so that’s why
  • You look amazing ! I'm just on my second week, but what caught me with you was hypermobility. I also have this and it does hold me back somewhat my hips sublux to much but hopefully small and little steps will help me on my way
  • Mines is serious health issues I turned 40 last year and 2 months later had a heart attack :( still trying to deal with all the tablets I now have to take but they keep telling me I must lose weight to help myself so it seems to have now registered in my brain and I'm determined to lose this 70lb
  • I'm deffo in ! Need to lose 70lb had a heart attack last year 2 months after my 40th so needs must for me