JPNWV1 Member


  • Then why do people do a low carb diet since fat is being burned whether they are on a low carb diet or a high carb diet?
  • Are you on the Keto Diet?
  • I've got the Bullet Proof Coffee on order along with the XCT oil and I got the grass fed butter at Kroger I was on the Keto diet for about a week until I found out that you can become deficient in 3 minerals. Is there evidence that the body is burning fat while taking in calories? I've heard that it doesn't. I've done the…
  • I want to get down to 170 pounds, so I set The My Fitness Pal App to 170 as my current weight and select maintain my current weight with light activity and that gives me 2020 calories. If I stay on that I'll eventually get to 170