bamakathy Member


  • I am 61 and had tried every diet known to man. Six weeks ago, the dr said my blood glucose was out of control and put me on a very low carb diet. I am down 13 lbs, my blood glucose is doing great, and I feel so much better- more energy, less inflammation/pain, better concentration. And this is the first diet I'm not hungry…
  • I use an app called Glucose. I test first thing in the morning (fasting), one hour after breakfast, two hours after breakfast, before lunch, one hour after, two hours after, before dinner, one hour after, two after, and before bed. I keep my food log in My Fitness Pal and if I have a spike after a meal, I look to see what…
    in Diabetes Comment by bamakathy July 2017
  • Besides my channel, I like HelenMarieWright, Indigo Nili,