Yeah, I hear ya. I "gained" 2 pounds this week after diligently tracking each of the 1950 calories I put in my mouth each day this week. (I'm 6'3" and work out like a fiend, so that's a pretty low number for me). I was dropping weight on a very predictable and steady pattern, then blam! - a plateau. Then...wait for it...1…
I also read the Allen Carr book and found it somewhat wanting. What irked me the most is how he seemed to take another book on how to quit smoking and merely did a global search for the word "smoking" and replaced with with "drinking". I'm planning to check out The Naked Mind as well. Thanks for the tip. My advice, should…
I'm in, although I have a 1.5 year head start on not drinking. ;-) Best decision I've ever made!