I first went to WW meetings for approx. $50.00 per month. Then I switching to on-line only for approx. $20.00 per month. I lost 30 pounds but then the weight loss came to a complete stop. I exercise regularly as well. So I decided cancel WW to try MyFitnessPal and I absolutely love it! The best part is it's for free!
It seems my plateau is moving. Slightly but I'll take it!
Thank you! I will definitely follow your advice!
I'm going to try this---starting today. Thanks for posting it!
I'm 61. I want to lose 30 pounds. Let's help each other! 👍
Right there with ya! I want to lose 30 lbs. I'm older (61) but still have the same drive to lose. I have to break through this stubborn plateau first.