It's way too easy to compare ourselves to the beautiful women we see around us every day on TV or in the media. But honestly, that isn't relevant to our wellbeing whatsoever, and it NEVER will be. A body is just a body. We look best in our own skin by accepting ourselves 100% right now and talking good about ourselves, not…
It just sucks because, for me at least, it's like a constant vicious circle. I'll look at my stomach and want to lose more weight (because I still can't see abs), so then I'll set out to lose some more pounds, then I'll feel so hungry and deprived and convince myself I don't need to lose anymore weight (because I am…
It's so frustrating because you can't see yourself for how you really look. I took pictures of myself in a bikini today to try and make myself feel good about my body, and although I realize how healthy I look, all I can look at is the fact that I don't have six pack abs and my "chubby" face. Others would think I am crazy…