spacebear47 Member


  • Dried beans are very cheap. Save up for a slow cooker to make them easier. I sub iceberg or romaine lettuce for chips and tortillas. Throw in some homemade pico de gallo to improve the flavor of the beans. I eat apples when they are a dollar per pound or bananas with peanut butter. Organic peanut butter at Walmart is $0.53…
  • Mine is open. It is described as unappetizing but, meh, I'm loosing weight so I don't care. :)
  • I would ask your doctor about cutting calories while growing a kid. I am unsure about the science of converting fat/muscle from your body into energy for your kid. The doc or a midwife would have more insight. As far as carbs elevating cholesterol, there is some anecdotal evidence to that. But it could also be from stress,…