Tanstaaflt Member


  • I "got off the wagon", but have been back on since Monday. Hungry, hungry, hungry.
  • Boy, two restaurant meals with huge desserts, and the scale goes up! I wonder how it knew...? Congratulations to those who yielded not to temptation!
  • I joined a couple of days ago, but haven't seen my identifier on the registrations page. Is there any kind of notification, yea or nay?
  • I'm in! I just completed an August challenge, which was the first time I'd ever joined a support group like this — it really does help with the motivation! I agree with the previous posters who said that it all comes down to calories, although my own body does fight back by sometimes seeming to stay at the same weight for…
  • Starting weight: 224 Goal weight: 213 Tuesday 1st: 224 Tuesday 8th: 216 Lots of hunger. Tuesday 15th: 213 I miss the initial water-weight loss. And chocolate. Tuesday 22nd: 212 Started week strong, but ate out twice over the weekend (with desserts). Tuesday 29th: 205 Ran 27 miles in 7 days, while keeping calories low. No…
  • Starting weight: 224 Goal weight: 213 Tuesday 1st: 224 Tuesday 8th: 216 Lots of hunger. Tuesday 15th: 213 I miss the initial water-weight loss. And chocolate. Tuesday 22nd: 212 Started week strong, but ate out twice over the weekend (with desserts). Tuesday 29th: What can you improve on: Eschew candy. Alas!
  • Starting weight: 224 Goal weight: 213 Tuesday 1st: 224 Tuesday 8th: 216 Lots of hunger. Tuesday 15th: 213 I miss the initial water-weight loss. And chocolate. Tuesday 22nd: Tuesday 29th: What can you improve on: Eschew candy. Alas!
  • enyagoboom, Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking! I think a lot of the eight pounds was water weight, so that probably won't be typical (sadly).
  • Starting weight: 224 Goal weight: 213 Tuesday 1st: 224 Tuesday 8th: 216 Lots of hunger. Tuesday 15th: Tuesday 22nd: Tuesday 29th: What can you improve on: Eschew candy. Alas!
  • I'm in! Starting weight: 224 Goal weight: 213 Tuesday 1st: 224 Tuesday 8th: Tuesday 15th: Tuesday 22nd: Tuesday 29th: What can you improve on: Eschew candy. Alas!