SLPeanut Member


  • Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7. Lose 7lbs from your start date. (308.6) 7/31/17 - 315.6 8/29/17 - 311.0 9/9/17 - 308.6 Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8. Lose 8lbs from the completion of the PS challenge. (300.6) 9/23/17 - 306.8 9/26/17 - 303.8…
  • Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7. Lose 7lbs from your start date. (308.6) 7/31/17 - 315.6 8/29/17 - 311.0 9/9/17 - 308.6 Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8. Lose 8lbs from the completion of the PS challenge. (300.6) 9/23/17 - 306.8 Prisoner of…
  • Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7. Lose 7lbs from your start date. (308.6) 7/31/17 - 315.6 8/29/17 - 311.0 Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8. Lose 8lbs from the completion of the PS challenge. (300.6) Prisoner of Azkaban has 317 pages. Added…
  • Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7. Lose 7lbs from your start date. (308.6) 7/31/17 - 315.6 Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8. Lose 8lbs from the completion of the PS challenge. (300.6) Prisoner of Azkaban has 317 pages. Added together, these…