newforgood Member


  • I think it may help to shift your focus. What other people think of your body should have no bearing on your life. It's what you have now, and you're changing it to make yourself happier. Not so that others can enjoy it more. As for pictures, try not to let it get you down. Somebody wanted a photo of you to remember that…
  • It doesn't need to be complicated. I love a simple avocado toast with just avocado, cottage cheese and tomato. Other go tos are a ham sandwich with some fruit, or cheese cubes with grapes or cherry tomatoes and crackers. Usually I'm soooo hungry in the morning I'm just grabbing what most might call a snack to get me…
  • I like bland. And don't like eggs. Rye bread. Avocado, cottage cheese, tomato, salt, and pepper.