Mhendrick01 Member


  • Sorry for the second message but here is a little more info for you The USDA's Dietary guidelines say a vegan diet can be healthy and here is their recommendation And another good site for info Good Luck
  • Congrats, I have recently become a vegan as well and my bloodwork has never been better. I found this site to be quite useful, There is a lot of pseduscience in the online vegan community so be careful.
  • I am experiencing the same thing. The irony is my wife is currently having hot flashes, so when this happens I use my cold fingers on the back of her neck to provide her relief. One thing I am doing is drinking hot liquids(tea/coffee). If nothing else holding a warm mug helps
  • As I understand it protein that is no need to replenish amino acids or build/repair muscle is metobalized into glucose, if it is then not needed for immediate energy it will be stored in fat. I also believe their can be additional impacts to things like kidney function if you are having to metabolize high amounts of…