I wouldn't say it's really bad, I think it depends on frame size and body composition. I'm a tad underweight but don't look underweight nor starve myself, you just have to make sure your weight doesn't drop too low
I'd love to look like a Victoria's Secret model, Candice Swanepoel has my dream body! I have good hourglass measurements (34, 22.5, 34.5) but at 5 ft 6 I'm too short and my little legs aren't exactly supermodel like. Sadly no amount of weight loss will make them longer :D I'm trying to find fitness models of a similar…
Thankyou! :) I DID lose weight in my thighs which amazed me, I'm putting it down to running as that's the only thing I've never really done before (I'm not a cardio girl...) but it seems to have helped! I don't know what they measured before so I don't know how much they've shrunk :/
I definitely can! I grew up doing ballet and did it to quite a high level. Even when I was little (9 or 10) I noticed what other people looked like, I saw how the tiny girls got so much attention and their lines always looked so good. Of course it's ridiculous because at that age we were growing at different rates, I…
In terms of food I'm trying to stick to the 80:20 idea where I eat healthily 80% of the time (things like swapping spaggheti for courgette noodles or having frozen yoghurt instead of icecream) and letting myself eat the stuff I love in moderation the other 20%. The 'in moderation' bit is something I find difficult though,…