Yeah Cherimoose, even though I did say time spent at the gym has been between an hour and a half to two hours, some of that time has included rest periods and I usually try to get in a half hour of walking at a decent pace while I'm there. It's not like I'm killing myself on the bikes or rowing for a solid hour. I can see…
Yeah my husband and I are looking for a trainer to work with both of us. The one at the gym wanted $180 a month for an hour a week and we just can't afford that. It may be a reasonable price but hopefully we'll find someone a little cheaper or online will be our way to go.
At the moment, my initial goal is to start losing some weight. Ideally I have about 30-40 lbs that I would like to lose and like to tone up. I know that weight lifting definitely helps with weightloss and maintaining it. I was just unsure if I should kind of use the machines to get my body used to being active again. I…
Thanks for all of the advice. :)