It’s after the fact but — do a stuffed cauliflower next time. Find a recipe and make it vegan. I did a mixture of Kale, onions, coconut milk to make it creamy, you could add beans for protein, nutritional yeast instead of cheese... glaze it with turmeric.
Sometimes you need a break - roll with it! Your weight can fluctuate about a pound, maybe even 2 pounds a day. Once you accept this it will be easier. I take my Wednesday/ Thursday weight to be where I am at in the big picture. I still track my weight on a daily basis just so I know it isn't creeping up. Careful not to…
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Got to feed the meat obsession! There are better alternatives out there
Itchycoo Park “It’s all so beautiful”
Protein Powder - I use Naked Whey. Your protein is likely ok, I think seeing the numbers and realizing the low percentage of protein in your diet is just freaking you out.
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At first weighing was difficult, on d it became a habit it was much easier. Now I am using the recipe tool more and do find the weighing getting away from me. I have made my goal weight and as I get more casual with weighing my food (or using recipes) my weight will creep up. Bottom line is, make it a habit and you will…
It’s the newest fad and so many people are trying it. It may work for you, it may not. To lose weight and keep it off is a lifestyle change and will not happen with a fad diet in the long run. Instead of Whole30 call it what it is, a plant based diet (though it allows eggs) and find yourself some plant based recipes that…
Check out the website: and the accompanying app Food Monster. They have terrific recipes. I am very frugal but decided to subscribe. I have found the trick is getting your larder stocked and ready to transition to a Plant Based diet. Simple things like coconut yogurt which is…
3 ounces Black Beans A fist full of arugula 25g Advocado 1 or 2 Poached Pasture Raised Eggs (depending on my exercise goals) tops it all Black Coffee 4 oz Fresh Juice
I would very much like to mentor a few people starting out on their fitness and weight loss journey. I am a career fitness professional with 36 years experience as a Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I lived and worked in Germany as a fitness professional and have taught across the…
Same problem, I eat a lot of fruits and fresh vegetables. Looking at adding Whey Protein Powder to shakes and supllement snacking.
Lattes, I realized what a color bomb they are so I am back to drinking black coffee