ellieofnor Member


  • Thank you! That seems to work better, as I have sat here doing nothing for almost an hour and fitbit has reduced my calories left by 36, whereas MFP has remained the same.
  • Thank you. That explains alot. So would I be better to add food via MFP (mainly for the barcode scanner) and then use the calories from fitbit?
  • Ok I am really not understanding. I promise I am not really a dimwit but I cannot see why the 2 figures are so different. Can someone explain which figures I need to follow please? Today so far: Fitbit says I have done 6295 steps, burned 1891 calories, have eaten 801 calories and have 1395 calories left. MFP says I have a…
  • Having just looked back over the past week the calorie adjustment has gone down massively for each day, sometimes leaving me over. Is there a way of making sure the calorie adjustment is for what I have done so far and not a projection for the rest of the day?
  • I have the charge HR, and its the total calorie adjustment. I have my activity set to the lowest setting (sedentary). Could it be that this would be the amount if I was that active all day? My days currently tend to be more active in the morning and less in the evening. I have just rechecked all my settings on both and…