I appreciate the helpful suggestions - thank you, it really made me feel better and I'm looking forward to trying them out, and exploring avenues to help me cope with my new lifestyle more easily. Honestly even as adults, I don't think we can always control the way we feel about things. If we could, then we would surely…
Finding a balance is what is important to me. No one is stopping me eating all the chocolate I want, of course. I am exercising restraint myself and I'm trying to find a way to cope with the resulting feelings of deprivation. which is why I started this thread.
Thanks for those who provided helpful replies :) In regards to the second part of your post, I can see that you can't relate to how I'm feeling - which is entirely understandable, not everyone is the same. However I found what you said very condescending. If my first post seems to imply that I THINK I need to eat chocolate…
My rate of loss is 0.3 lbs a week. Tbh I'm probably eating what I used to eat before I gained weight, but my body has probably gotten used to eating junk.